Frequently Asked Questions.
Sugaring is the method of removing your unwanted body hair with a sugar paste. It is an ancient form of hair removal that originated in the Middle East. Sugar paste consists of only sugar, water, and lemon. There are no resins, additives, coloring, or fragrances added, which makes sugaring a great option for sensitive skin. The paste is molded to your skin against the direction of the hair growth, and then quickly flicked off in the direction of growth, so there is less breakage, less ingrown hairs and minimal discomfort!
Both waxing and sugaring remove unwanted hair. Some key differences are:
The sugar paste is never hot and always applied lukewarm. This is less irritating to the skin and prevents any chance of burning the skin.
With waxing, the wax is applied in the same direction as hair growth and then removed in the opposite direction of hair growth. With sugaring, it is applied against the direction of hair growth and removed in the direction of hair growth resulting in less ingrown hairs and irritation.
Sugar only adheres to dead skin cells and hair, and does not attach to live skin cells making it ideal for sensitive clients.
The ingredient list is much simpler (sugar, lemon, water) making it perfect for those with sensitivities and allergies.
No sticks or strips are necessary, reducing single use waste.
1/4th inch or about a grain of rice length is ideal! If your growth is longer than 3/4 inch you may experience slightly more discomfort. You may need to trim ahead of time, but be careful not to go too short!
Drink lots of fluids and reduce caffeine on the day of.
Exfoliate two days before.
Stay calm! It's normal to be nervous before your first session, I am here to answer any and all questions you may have so that you know what to expect.
Discontinue shaving at least 3 weeks.
Discontinue retinol or any strong exfoliating/active ingredients on the area you want sugared for at least 5 days prior.
Come freshly showered if you are coming in for a bikini/brazilian! If you aren’t able to, there are cleansing wipes available for your use.
Pro tip: If you are concerned about pain, some clients have found it helpful to take a pain reliever like ibuprofen an hour beforehand
For 24 hours:
Avoid excessive friction or sweating in the affected area. This includes working out, tight unbreathable materials, etc.
Skip exfoliating.
Refrain from touching the area! Our hands have bacteria we do not want to introduce to the open follicle.
Don't go in the pool or hot tub.
Between appointments:
Hydrate the area daily with a product not containing irritating fragrances.
Exfoliate your bikini area every few days as tolerated by your skin type! This can be done with a body scrub or product containing chemical exfoliants. Two days before your next sugaring session, lightly exfoliate!
Schedule your appointments in advance! Each time you come in the hair will thin more and pain decreases. Additionally, your hair cycles will eventually sync up! The cycles being synced means your smooth results will last longer.
Absolutely! Be sure to come in with a new tampon in and as always, cleanse beforehand. Some people experience slightly more discomfort during this time due to fluctuation in hormones, so don't be alarmed if you notice this! Sometimes a cycle starts unexpectedly, and if you are uncomfortable coming in on your period I understand wanting to reschedule. Keep in mind, the 24 hour cancellation/ rescheduling policy will still be in effect in this situation.
I recommend getting at least 3 treatments done before a special event so that your hair growth stages have a chance to sync up! Schedule your final service about 3 days before the big day.